During the last weeks, I've finally managed to find some time to work on the smart media center project.
For the beta-test, I've made a XBMC/Kodi portage to ODROID-U3 hardware on the default GNU/Linux distribution shipped by hardkernel. The portage was heavily patched to permit to gather media usage statistics : number of view, usage total time, usage frequency, and so on.
And for that purpose, the image based on the previous Ubuntu LTS I've shipped with a repackaged Kodi was good enough !
But the sole purpose of this work was to automate Kodi with some AI behind the scene, which was not a wise idea, I have to admit. Most people are pissed off when a machine decide for them. And AI algorithms were too hard to tune and computing heavy to guess when and which next media will be played based on previous usage and user feedback.
But because of this issues throwing away all the work done would have been a huge mistake, so I've decided to keep the data collected so far and changed the project goal into making a smart library view instead of the Kodi automation. And I've finally found what I need to make this smart library view for music : bliss music analyzer.
So I've decided to :
- Use LibreELEC GNU/Linux distribution for Kodi to integrate my ODROID-U3 portage work to avoid to loose the current beta testers;
- Implement a Kodi add-on based on bliss music analyzer to build the smart music library view and smart music playlist;
- Integrate bliss music analyzer and my Kodi add-on into upstream Kodi and LibreELEC projects.
So far, only the first item is almost finished. The first images of the latest LibreELEC alpha for ODROID-U3 are available here : http://people.piment-noir.org/~fraggle/download/libreelec/Odroid_U2/. You can download them either for a microSD card (directory SD) or a eMMC module (directory eMMC). The gunziped images can be installed with the LibreELEC USB-SD creator.
The 16 Go zipped images are pre-configured for french people, mainly the former beta testers, to ease the transition. This french localized images can be installed with dd or Win32 Disk Imager.
This LibreELEC ODROID-U3 portage have known issues :
- You can't install LibreELEC add-ons;
- Auto update is currently not working, but manual updates are really easy to do.
It's my Xmas gift, let's hope you will enjoy it ;-)