Computer Science

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dimanche 25 décembre 2016


During the last weeks, I've finally managed to find some time to work on the smart media center project. For the beta-test, I've made a XBMC/Kodi portage to ODROID-U3 hardware on the default GNU/Linux distribution shipped by hardkernel. The portage was heavily patched to permit to gather media usage  […]

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mercredi 9 novembre 2016

Upstreaming your code (or designing a proper code flow)

When it comes to Free and Open Source Software (aka FOSS), one of the most critical part to make a project successful is the code flow handling. It indeed represents the way you're going to welcome external contributions. Most projects have their own contributions rules that differ from one project  […]

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vendredi 28 octobre 2016

Arch Linux ARM Piment Noir repository

I've setup a packages repository for Arch Linux ARM under to give old ARM hardware users a chance to make their Arch Linux ARM installation work flawlessly. Is available here a Linux kernel for ODROID-XU with support for seccomp-bpf which permit to run firefox, chromium  […]

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vendredi 29 avril 2016

Processing 3

Pour ceux qui, par le plus grand des hasards, suivraient le github de piment noir, il ne vous aura pas échapper le travail d'adaptation à cette nouvelle version que j'ai poussé dans le sketchbook de processing. Je ne suis pas un grand fan de processing mais je dois avouer que pour faire du  […]

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mercredi 6 avril 2016

OpenELEC et Hardkernel

OpenELEC est une intégration de Kodi qui lui est entièrement dédié afin de fournir un mediacenter simple à mettre en place et à maintenir. Son seul soucis, c'est qu'elle ne supporte pas nativement le matériel que hardkernel conçoit et vend. Ce qui est fâcheux. Mais c'est sans compter sur la  […]

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samedi 30 mai 2015

Filtres collaboratifs et privauté

En cherchant à établir l'état de l'art des algorithmes de diffusion de messages en multicasting dans un réseau en pair à pair pour le projet P2P Energy Meter, je suis tombé par un heureux hasard sur une publication concernant un système d'anonymisation pour les filtres collaboratifs permettant de  […]

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mardi 23 décembre 2014

The art of packaging for multiple architecture

I've been playing with the ARM architecture lately. More precisely with the cortex family across differents flavours. It's far from easy to package a software for Intel and ARM architecture on Debian based GNU/Linux distributions. Debian package manager lack a trigger that will permit to have  […]

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mercredi 15 octobre 2014

L'intelligence artificielle

... chez vous.

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vendredi 5 septembre 2014

Coherent noise in processing

I've by working with the processing IDE lately to prototype different ideas. It's a great tool but unfortunately with a lot of bugs. I've been bitten by the quality of the coherent Perlin noise function. So I've decided to port to processing the Mr Perlin Simplex Noise coherent noise to have one of  […]

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samedi 30 août 2014

At least the XBMC test on ODROID-U3

I've finally finished to package XBMC for the ODROID-U3 hardware platform. The building dependencies was the tricky part since Owersun have already done the ground work on ODROID-U3 portage. I think I have done the most proper integration of XBMC on ODROID-U3 so far with the most functionalities  […]

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mercredi 27 août 2014

The never ending story of XBMC packaging

Funnily enough, it's not easy to package properly XBMC for ARM GNU/Linux distros. I'm currently working on ODROID boards that are custom board coming for the Android smartphone hardware world. The main problem with the OpenEGL integration is in the operating system. The driver that permit to do  […]

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mardi 12 août 2014

The future of data

The world of data storage engineering have been very active the last years. Different paradigm have been explored to deal with the large amount of informations that keep growing over the years. This goes from shared everything (the good old filesystem) to shared nothing architecture redesign.  […]

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